Monday, February 21, 2011

WEB 2.0 and Digital Nation

1. I feel like this recent trend of "amateurish" films and movies is nothing to be alarmed about. Sometimes trends come through that affect the movie industry for a couple years and then leave. Examples of this range from zombie movie flicks to 3D pictures. I feel like the recent trend of "real camera" movies are not only slightly annoying but also counterproductive. Instead of encouraging people to take the time to make quality movies with real video cameras, stands and makeup it encourages the rushed first take versions of videos that are more popular on Youtube. I believe that this trend will not last long because in actuality the material that actual amateurs are producing have been increasing in quality. When movie makers realize that the profitability of making these kinds of movies has decreased the trend will end.

2. I try to not use too many social networking because of the fear of addiction but Facebook is by far my most used networking site. The concept of having all my friends available at my fingertips is a powerful thing. It is nice to have the ability to catch up on an old friend, laugh at some picture my roommate is tagged in, and even talk to a rather good looking girl. All these things are all reasons why Facebook is the most complete social networking site out there. Myspace its forerunner was great because it was the first social networking site but it had few options for anyone who wasn't adept in HTML coding. I definitely think that Facebook is here to stay because of the sheer number of people who are currently using Facebook and the fact that Facebook is inherently addicting. Facebook is currently in my tabs right now and its going to be there for a good while.

3. In the Web World transparency is everything. The idea that someone is one a social networking site and is posting false or exaggerated material is simply ridiculous. When you log onto a website that gives away your own private information, in some cases your email to your cell phone number you expect that same type of honesty. While you may expect everyone to be open with their lives you certainly dont expect to be outright lieing to you through the web. This concept of transparency to me is much more important in the cyber because the information is much sometimes much too personal to disclose in the real world. Through the cyber curtain people are expected to give what they get. In the real world its alright to bend the truth.

1 comment:

  1. You opened my mind to so many other social networking sites. I have never heard of Tumblr before, but it is actually pretty cool. The feel of the webpage is smooth and modern, which makes for a big attention getter by younger people. I like how basic it is and user friendly. Anything can be included in your blog post. I think if people would get off the idea that they NEED a Facebook, they would have time to venture out on the web and find a social networking site that really works for them the best.
